Friday, March 30, 2012

This Is Gonna Be A Little Awkward...

Ok, so thankfully I found a place to live.  My last night in the hotel was awful.  I had some drunk girl knock on my door asking for someone (couldn’t ever get the name) after which I’m pretty sure she went to the room above me and had sex with whomever she came to see…coulda done without that.

So now I have 5 roommates at the new place, but it’s close to the university and was better than my other options.  For example, I could have lived with a middle-aged man and his cat Bono (yes, named after the lead singer of the most over-rated band in history…I said it!), but he was a little too creepy for me.  Another place was this TINY room where the girl who was moving out had only stayed for 2 months.  It was on the corner of this really busy intersection so I asked about the noise level, to which she said “it’s not that bad, you just have to wear earplugs if you’re trying to sleep.”  Yeah, I can’t imagine why she didn’t make it the whole year.

Anyway, since I’ve moved in I’ve gone to the store a few times to get the basics, like linens and kitchen stuff.  It’s a lot of fun getting on the bus with like 6 bags full of shit (imagine pillows, a comforter, etc.) and trying to not hit anyone in the face.  They’re lucky I’m so graceful (the bleeding toe incident in my previous post doesn’t count).

I’m still getting used to the cars driving on the left side of the road; I keep looking to the right for oncoming traffic when I’m trying to cross the street and almost getting run over.  Pedestrian traffic apparently follows the same pattern, so I’ve also almost walked into about 100 people.  Just bought a bike too…this should be fun.

Also, the food is meh, but the wine is awesome.  Might just live off wine.